Pam Hogg
20:30 FRIDAY 17TH

Dr. Pam Hogg is an icon of British fashion design. A romantic, a renegade and a rockstar whose career has taken her from her Glasgow birthplace via its world-renowned School of Art to the catwalks of London Fashion Week, the cover of ID Magazine, the wardrobes of superstars from Kate Moss to Lady Gaga and the walls of the world’s top galleries, the Caledonian Queen of Cling somehow found time between to share a stage singing alongside rock and pop royalty. She is a champion of the eccentric and outlandish, the underdog and the overlooked, thriving in disorder, disruption and disarray. She is flamboyant, frantic and fearless. Pam's work always sat outside its time, seasonless and visionary, and its resonance is as clear today as ever before – perhaps even more so, as society begins to gaze inwards towards the radical beauty and chaos at its heart. She has spent almost four decades creating unconventional clothes for confident women, and her longevity as a designer is astonishing, with most of her contemporaries from that first new wave largely forgotten today.