Eirinn Hayhow
United Kingdom
‘See the beauty in everything, find the light in the darkness’ is Eirinn Hayhow’s brand philosophy, as she creates unique, high vibe garments, salvaged from unwanted materials. Sustainability has always been at the heart of her creativity. A self taught designer, her love of fashion came from a young age.
'Putting my legs through the bottom of carrier bags from our weekly shopping trips, pulling up the handles like straps, I had made my first pair of dungarees. paper - mêrching together tissue boxes and toilet roll tubes, painting them pink, I made myself some high- heeled shoes, then strutted down my garden like a catwalk.' This playfulness is still present in her garments today.
‘Magic Mushrooms’
Mushrooms, unlike other plants and animals, are a completely unique species. A Magic Kingdom.
Their mycelium roots go deeper than over 300 miles underground, and send nutrients above ground to all of the forestation, keeping all of the surrounding Earth in balance.
Mycelium, known as the Wood Wide Web, communicate with plants and animals, much like we do through the internet.
Nature has its own language, we just have never daren’t to understand it. With over 70,000 species of mushrooms we still have so much to discover.
Certain mushrooms can decompose oil, decompose plastic, help cure cancer, keep us youthful, give us consciousness. There is a whole natural world out there, that we are yet to unearth.
Mushrooms are the givers of life, and the decomposers in death. They have seen everything, and they are so beautiful!
All mushrooms are magic.