16:30 Sat 19 Feb 2022
Streamed On Our Homepage & Instagram Live

NEO design is based on a new vision of functionality. Clothing, jewelry, and accessories are intertwined and they form a multifunctional unit, which adapts to the one who wears it offering the possibility to personalize.
The connection between the past and the future is necessary for a strong and healthy society and NEO is trying to provide it through clothing designed for powerful, artistic, and mystic souls.
The collection ‘JUUNISHINEO - Buddha's farewell dinner’ is inspired by elements from Japanese and East Asian zodiac legends about Buddha's farewell dinner. Zodiacs are very important in the lives of Japanese people - they believe that the zodiac is foretelling a person’s luck and fortune and a lot of people rely on these forecasts in their major decision making varying from where to build their homes, what businesses to establish and even who they can marry.
The collection represents a conceptual approach to wedding wear and is semi-recycled out of old, used wedding dresses and tuxedos, where every outfit is corresponding to certain zodiac signs.
#video#dp @lu.mes
#artdirection #director @neodesign.neo
#models @saky99_ @vlntnp i @yokoovoyokoono
#style @neodesign.neo
#stylistasistant @gorana_obradovic
#cameraasistant @nebogli
#hair @paollahairstyle
#setdesign @multipraktika
#makeup @sanjaorlandicsretkovic
#jewellery @gloryboxjewelry
#shoes @valtershoes
#music @luciendantelazar
#mixmaster @zbova